Here’s a Do-it-Yourself Project that anyone can make. I promise.

All you need is an empty jar, some paper and an ink pen or pencil. Easy peasy!

You can use any kind of a jar (wide mouth preferred) an old canning jar, an empty pickle jar, or even a pretty flower vase that isn’t currently being used.

Most of us think about making New Year Resolutions this time of year. We’re already thinking about the coming year with its challenges, and our expectations.

But why not spend a few moments on New Year’s Eve in a celebration of remembrance, for all that was good in the past year?

Here are the three easy steps:

Cut up some strips of paper – just big enough to write short notes on. I like to add in some colored paper just for fun. You can be as creative as you like with this part.

Set up your jar, keeping the strips of paper handy, along with something to write with. Whenever something good happens in your life, simply take a moment to write it down on a slip of paper and drop it into the jar. It won’t take long to make this a habit if you have the jar sitting where you see it everyday.

At the end of the year, (this makes a nice New Year’s Eve ceremony) empty the jar and read aloud all the wonderful things that happened the past year. You’ll be surprised at how many there were, and how many happy memories you’d already forgotten about.

Then get your empty jar ready to receive more good news for the new year. What a great way to remember the past and get inspired for the coming year.

Besides just us adults, I think this would be a wonderful celebration for families with children as well. It’s an easy way to start teaching your young children how to be grateful and conscious of all the good they have received in their lives.


What celebrations do you incorporate into your New Year’s festivities?