Destination: Self–Reliance

To Rely on One's Own Capabilities


(self–re·li·ance  \-ri-ˈlī-ənts\)


Reliance on one’s own capabilities, judgments, and decisions in
a self-sufficient manner; independence, self-direction, resourceful.

It’s true, I love to practice the many bushcraft and wilderness survival skills you read about in my Fox Walker Novel series. This interest is fueled by the fact that I’ve always been extremely fond of learning ancestral skills. You know, all the knowledge and skills that our grandparents and great grandparents knew about for everyday life. Self-reliance skills that have been all but forgotten over the years, as technology has become more and more a part of our lives.

Self-reliance is not only about how to survive the elements of Mother Nature…it’s also learning how to survive everyday situations, as well. It’s about learning how to adapt to whatever gets thrown our way. It’s about staying strong by finding inspiration in even the most mundane. Even in our careers we often face uncharted territory…where the landowners keep changing and the borders keep moving. But rather than let it overwhelm us, we can embrace a sense of new adventure right around the corner.

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About Indy

Being outside in nature is the most basic part of who I am. Besides gaining knowledge about wildlife, I learn lessons about who I am, and surprise myself about what I am capable of achieving. Nature continually inspires me. It is a part of all my writings, no matter the genre or subject matter.

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American Dream

“If America could be, once again, a nation of self-reliant farmers, craftsmen, hunters, ranchers and artists, then the rich would have little power to dominate others. Neither to serve or to rule: That was the American Dream.” 

— Edward Abbey