Indy Quillen Novels

The Fox Walker books are written as stand-alone novels that can be enjoyed without reading the other books. But I do believe readers receive a richer experience if the stories are read in order of publication. Tracker is book one, Pursuit is book two, Duplicity is book three and Astray is book four. The Fox Walker Novels were born out of my love for nature and my interest in ancestral skills including tracking, bushcraft and wilderness survival, along with my admiration for the knowledge and oneness with Mother Earth our ancestors and indigenous peoples possessed.
The stories are based on real locations in and around the Rocky Mountains and San Juan Mountains in Colorado, as well as the North Cascades of Washington State, but know that many of the names of places are as fictionalized as the characters who inhabit them. Although much research went into the understanding of the Ute nation and its culture as well as their use of the Shoshone language, the Fox Walker character is a creation of my imagination and a work of fiction. Thus, I did take certain liberties with that creation and use of language. As for the tracking, ancestral skills, and wilderness survival skills Walker possesses, those are based on my own experiences as well as skills and knowledge taught by dedicated outdoors men and women. Thankfully they share their experiences so that others may learn what our ancestors knew, but have been forgotten over the years.
Reputation is currently a stand alone novel not related to the Fox Walker series. But, who knows, I may turn it into its own series with the right inspiration. You will notice though, like the Fox Walker series, you’ll still spend plenty of time in the out of doors and in nature.The story begins in Los Angeles, California, but quickly shifts inland to Cedar Valley. This fictional village is based upon a real location in the San Jacinto Mountains. Some of you may even “recognize” the place as you read. Reputation does contain a soft romantic element, but plenty of mystery and suspense keeps this book from being a strictly romance novel.
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